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2020. március 06., 15:33

2020. szeptember 1-jétől a legtöbb OKJ-s szakképesítést csak nappali vagy esti tagozaton, szakképző iskolában lehet majd megszerezni. Az Innovációs...


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OKJ képzés átalakulás alpintechnika

2020. március 06., 15:33

2020. szeptember 1-jétől a legtöbb OKJ-s szakképesítést csak nappali vagy esti tagozaton, szakképző iskolában lehet majd megszerezni. Az Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium (ITM) közleménye szerint az OKJ-s képzések átalakításának célja a szakképzés további erősítése és a munkaerőpiachoz való jobb igazodás. Ez érinti az alpintechnikai okj-és képzéseket is.

Ahogyan számítani lehetett rá, 2020. szeptember 1-jétől a legtöbb OKJ-s szakmát csak iskolai rendszerű képzésben, azon belül pedig csak nappali vagy esti tagozaton lehet majd megszerezni, minimum két év alatt. A korábbi 27-el szemben 196 ilyen szakképesítés - "alapszakma" -, illetve szakképesítés-ráépülés szerepel az Országos Képzési Jegyzék módosításáról szóló kormányrendeletben, amely a Magyar Közlöny szeptember 30-ai, 162. számában jelent meg.

Az úgynevezett részszakképesítéseket, amelyekből 73 szerepel a listában, viszont csak iskolarendszeren kívüli, tanfolyami formában lehet majd elsajátítani, amelyért fizetni kell. Az OKJ-s képzésekről szóló összes cikkünket itt találjátok.

A felnőttoktatással foglalkozó cégek 2020. december 31-ig kaptak haladékot: eddig indíthatnak  a régi OKJ szerinti, iskolarendszeren kívüli képzéseket, ezek szakmai vizsgáját pedig 2022. december 31-ig kell lebonyolítani.

A kormányrendelet megjelenése kapcsán az Innovációs és Technológiai Minisztérium (ITM) MTI-hez eljuttatott közleményében azt írta: a cél a teljes foglalkoztatás, az, hogy a gazdaság igényeihez idomuljon a szakképzés, és a munkaerőpiacon értékes és használható szakképesítések legyenek a képzési kínálatban egy sokkal egyszerűbb, átláthatóbb, egymásra épülő rendszerben.

Az alapszakmák megszerzésére már az iskolai rendszerben (technikumokban, szakképző iskolában) is lesz lehetőség, amelyre további szakképesítések építhetőek. A felnőttek számára az iskolarendszerben a második szakma elsajátítása már jelenleg is ingyenes, a jövőben a képzési idő rövidül, így gyorsabban lehet szakmát szerezni - közölte az ITM.


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Here are various motivations why real estate companies must think about employing qualified roofing assistance in Wilmington, North Carolina: Hurricane Repair Coastal areas frequently face harsh climates such as hurricanes, resulting in considerable destruction to coverings. A certified expert can accurately assess and fix storm-related issues to prevent further issues. Ocean Air Oxidation Avoidance Salty air can cause corrosion of covering substances, notably aluminum roofs. Regular inspections by an expert can detect early signs of rust and employ proactive solutions to enhance the durability of the roofing. Dampness Control plus Drip Fix Oceanfront properties experience high humidity, which may cause water accumulation under roofing materials, resulting in drips and water damage. A certified expert can manage moisture problems effectively and carry out required fixes to prevent additional harm. Sufficient Venting Installation Sufficient covering ventilation is vital for preventing moisture buildup and maintaining the quality of roof components. A licensed roofer can set up venting mechanisms that suit the distinct conditions of seaside residences. Material Knowledge along with Advice Qualified companies possess thorough understanding of suitable options for seaside conditions. They can suggest substances that can withstand oxidation, moisture, and storm effects, maintaining prolonged longevity for roofs. Understanding these factors is crucial because it can save money eventually. Preventative care and prompt fixes can prevent costly damage and extend the durability of the covering, maintaining the security of the property in a coastal area. Seaside regions frequently face weather condition such as hurricanes, which could cause reasonable destruction to roofs. A licensed roofer can accurately assess and fix tempest damage to avoid alternative problems. Ocean Breeze Oxidation Avoidance Ocean breeze will probably result in rust of roof constituents, notably light weight aluminum roofs. Periodic examinations by an expert can find beginning symptoms of rust and make use of preventative strategies to enhance the lifespan of the roof. Dampness Control along with Drip Restoration Coastal regions have elevated dampness levels, which might result in moisture content buildup under roofing supplies, leading to seepages plus structural harm. A skilled company can handle wetness effectively and also essential restorations to avert succeeding issues. Adequate Venting Installation Sufficient covering air flow is essential for preventing moisture buildup and keeping the integrity of the roofing materials. A registered roofer can set up venting that fit the selected requirements of seaside residences. Resource Understanding along with Suggestions Certified experts have extended knowledge of suitable options for oceanfront climates. They could suggest substances that are resistant to corrosion, humidity, and storm effects, guaranteeing extended durability for roofs. comprehension these factors is vital as it may well save income in the long-run. Regular upkeep and detailed repairs can avert high-priced destruction and extend the lifespan of the roof covering, ensuring the security of the residence in a beach front area. [url=]Experienced roofing staff in Leland NC[/url] [url=,%20especially%20in%20locations%20like%20the%20Carolinas%20and%20Wilmington,%20North%20Carolina,%20encounter%20specific%20climatic%20issues%20that%20influence%20the%20durability%20and%20efficiency%20of%20roofing%20materials.%20Picking%20the%20best%20options%20can%20significantly%20impact%20the%20durability%20of%20roofings%20in%20these%20regions.%0D%0A%0D%0AComposite%20Shingles%0D%0A%0D%0AComposite%20shingles%20are%20a%20popular%20selection%20owing%20to%20their%20economical%20nature%20and%20straightforward%20application.%20Nevertheless,%20they%20are%20vulnerable%20to%20gust%20impacts%20and%20can%20be%20easily%20blown%20off%20during%20storms.%20Additionally,%20the%20saline%20atmosphere%20can%20result%20in%20corrosion%20of%20the%20granules%20on%20the%20tiles,%20reducing%20their%20lifespan.%0D%0A%0D%0ATo%20demonstrate%20A%20dweller%20in%20Wilmington%20observes%20that%20some%20bitumen%20shingles%20have%20been%20removed%20after%20a%20recent%20tempest.%20The%20continuous%20exposure%20to%20saline%20atmosphere%20has%20additionally%20led%20to%20particle%20erosion,%20mandating%20ongoing%20maintenance.%0D%0A%0D%0AMetal%20Roofing%0D%0A%0D%0ASteel%20roofing%20is%20known%20for%20its%20durability%20and%20ability%20to%20endure%20extreme%20climates.%20This%20turns%20it%20into%20a%20favored%20option%20for%20oceanfront%20properties.%20Nonetheless,%20the%20continuous%20exposure%20to%20ocean%20breeze%20can%20cause%20rust,%20notably%20if%20the%20steel%20is%20not%20well-sealed.%20Ongoing%20care%20is%20required%20to%20avoid%20corrosion%20and%20extend%20its%20lifespan.%0D%0A%0D%0AFor%20example%20An%20inhabitant%20by%20the%20coast%20in%20Wilmington,%20NC%20opts%20for%20steel%20roofing%20for%20their%20property.%20After%20a%20period,%20they%20observe%20signs%20of%20rust%20because%20of%20the%20saline%20atmosphere.%20Ongoing%20examinations%20and%20sealing%20are%20essential%20to%20maintain%20the%20roofing%27s%20state.%0D%0A%0D%0ACeramic%20and%20Stone%20Tiles%0D%0A%0D%0ACeramic%20and%20stone%20tiles%20offer%20excellent%20durability%20and%20are%20resistant%20to%20ocean%20breeze,%20turning%20them%20into%20a%20great%20option%20for%20coastal%20homes.%20Nevertheless,%20they%20are%20heavy%20and%20demand%20a%20robust%20framework.%20Additionally,%20they%20may%20be%20costlier%20than%20other%20materials%20and%20might%20break%20under%20impact.%0D%0A%0D%0AFor%20instance%20A%20resident%20in%20Wilmington,%20North%20Carolina%20selects%20ceramic%20tiles%20for%20their%20property.%20The%20materials%20resist%20the%20saline%20atmosphere%20effectively,%20yet%20following%20a%20major%20tempest,%20some%20tiles%20fracture%20and%20necessitate%20repair,%20leading%20to%20additional%20costs.%0D%0A%0D%0AArtificial%20Roofing%0D%0A%0D%0AArtificial%20roofing%20options%20including%20rubber,%20PVC,%20or%20artificial%20combinations%20are%20becoming%20more%20common%20because%20of%20their%20strength%20and%20resistance%20to%20climatic%20conditions.%20They%20are%20often%20manufactured%20to%20imitate%20the%20aesthetics%20of%20authentic%20options,%20including%20slate,%20lumber,%20or%20terracotta.%20However,%20the%20upfront%20expense%20may%20be%20elevated%20than%20standard%20substances,%20and%20some%20homeowners%20could%20have%20reservations%20about%20the%20synthetic%20look.%0D%0A%0D%0AAs%20a%20case%20in%20point%20A%20house%20owner%20by%20the%20ocean%20selects%20artificial%20roofing%20to%20achieve%20the%20aesthetics%20of%20slate%20without%20the%20heaviness.%20The%20composite%20substance%20proves%20durable%20against%20ocean%20breeze%20and%20extreme%20climates,%20but%20the%20initial%20investment%20is%20considerable,%20demanding%20a%20greater%20duration%20to%20regain%20by%20lower%20repair%20costs.%0D%0A%0D%0ASelecting%20the%20proper%20substances%20for%20residences%20and%20enterprises%20ne]Evaluating Spray Foam Roof for Wilmington North Carolina Homes[/url] 399022e
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